JokikylÀ nature path at EvijÀrvi showcases the history of log driving and swamps

JokikylÀn luontopolku Uittomiehen lenkki nature path

EvijĂ€rvi municipality has built a lovely 4km nature path at JokikylĂ€, which runs alongside a former log driving river called Tervareitti (Tar route). This easy nature path goes by two names: the JokikylĂ€ nature path…

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Experience the culture-historical VanhankylÀnniemi hotspot at JÀrvenpÀÀ

VanhankylÀnniemi TuusulanjÀrvi lake AnnitÀdinkenttÀ

VanhankylĂ€nniemi is a culture-historically important site on the shore of TuusulanjĂ€rvi lake. It is one of the more popular recreation areas. We've been there several times during different seasons and it always manages to be…

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Vanhankaupunginkoski rapids mark the site of ancient Helsinki

Vanhankaupunginkoski rapids Helsinki

The birthplace of Helsinki city is at Vanhankaupunginkoski (meaning "Old Town rapids" in Finnish). Nowadays it's a great place to enjoy unique urban rapids, excellent fly fishing, and promenade in this one-of-a-kind nature destination. It's…

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Views from PÀhkÀnÀnkallio cliffs are simply magical

Incredible views over Oulanka National park and PÀhkÀnÀnkallio

A short but strenuous hike in the middle of the forest takes you to PĂ€hkĂ€nĂ€nkallio cliffs which open a wondrous view over dense fir woods, a winding, sparkling Kitkajoki-river, and steep gorge-like cliffs. If you…

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Sami sacret site Taatsi seida is a magical place

Taatsi Seida sacred site in Pokka

Taatsi seida, or Taatsin seita in Finnish, by Taatsi lake is an ancient SĂĄmi culture site where the local SĂĄmi people brought offerings to the gods. It is located in Pokka village between KittilĂ€ and…

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Red sand beach Punainenhiekka in Pallas-YllÀstunturi National Park

Punainenhiekka PallasjÀrvi

Red sand beach called Punainenhiekka in PallasjĂ€rvi lake used to be a secret known only by locals. It is not so secret anymore as it is a popular day trip and overnight destination for hikers…

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