Finland’s medieval trading hub RikalanmĂ€ki hides its secrets

Finland's medieval trading hub RikalanmÀki hides its secrets

RikalanmĂ€ki was one of the most remarkable medieval trading hubs in Finland. The RikalanmĂ€ki ancient trail in Salo, Finland, invites visitors on a captivating journey through time. This short trail winds through the Rikala mansion…

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Piilolammi is a gate to ravishing KytÀjÀ-Usmi

Piilolammi KytÀjÀ

Piilolammi recreational area is part of KytĂ€jĂ€-Usmi, which is an exceptionally large forested area in HyvinkÀÀ in southern Finland. We met at Piilolammi this summer to spent a day outdoors exploring some trails and catch…

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Myllykoski rapids at NurmijÀrvi

Myllykoski in NurmijÀrvi

Myllykoski rapids and Koskikara nature trail in the NurmijĂ€rvi municipality are the perfect day trip destination near Finland's capital area especially if you are into birdwatching. The Myllykoski rapids in Vantaajoki river are impressive even…

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