Klassarinkierros is a quiet circular trail at Nuuksio national park

Klassarinkierros Nuuksio national park Vihti

Nuuksio National Park is still the most visited national park in Finland. It stretches across the municipalities of Espoo, Kirkkonummi, and Vihti. Klassarinkierros circle trail is located in the northwestern corner of the park at…

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Versatile Lahokallio nature trails overlook the lake at Lohja

Lahokallio Lohja LohjanjÀrvi

Lahokallio recreation area and its nature trails zigzag across a small peninsula near Lake Lohja. The cliffs on the northern tip of the peninsula have been designated as a nationally valuable rock surface dropping straight…

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Orinoro gorge is the seventh wonder of Savo

Orinoron rotko LeppÀvirta MustinmÀen kylÀ. Orinoro gorge at LeppÀvirta

The Orinoro gorge and the surrounding hiking route takes you to a vertical chasm carved out by glaciers. As with many natural wonders, we had to make a bit of an effort to get to…

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Explore the last Ice Age at the devil’s field of KasnĂ€s

KasnÀs muinaisranta pirunpelto. KasnÀs devil's field ancient shoreline.

While visiting KasnĂ€s on Kemiö island (Kemiönsaari in Finnish, Kimitoön in Swedish), one of the places I wanted to visit was this devil's field. It is actually a part of the ancient shoreline of the…

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Hiking, beaches, and horses at Talosaari recreation area

Talosaaren ulkoilualue. Talosaari recreation area Helsinki

Talosaari is located at the Östersundom district of Helsinki, about 18km from downtown. It has four different protected nature areas, and the recreation area itself was created on the lands of an old manor. The…

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Harjureitti in Southwestern Finland is known as Little Lapland

Harjureitti Little Lapland SÀkylÀ

Harjureitti is 28 kilometers long trail network in Loimaa, SĂ€kylĂ€, Huittinen and OripÀÀ municipalities in Southwestern Finland. It was established in 1998. Harjureitti, ridge trail, is a popular hiking and cross-country skiing trail on SĂ€kylĂ€nharju…

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