HeinÀjoki nature trail in Pihtipudas

HeinÀjoki in Pihtipudas

HeinĂ€joki nature trail is a fun nature destination with duckboards and few birdwatching towers near Pihtipudas town centre in northern Central Finland. Pihtipudas is located about 140 kilometers north of JyvĂ€skylĂ€ along the highway 4…

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Remarkable ruins and rapids at Latokartanonkoski in Salo Finland

Latokartanonkoski in Perniö

Latokartanonkoski rapids are located in Kiskonjoki river in Perniö in Salo municipality. The area hosts a well market nature trail with two beautiful bridges over the river. The area is partly protected and partly on…

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Myllykoski rapids at NurmijÀrvi

Myllykoski in NurmijÀrvi

Myllykoski rapids and Koskikara nature trail in the NurmijĂ€rvi municipality are the perfect day trip destination near Finland's capital area especially if you are into birdwatching. The Myllykoski rapids in Vantaajoki river are impressive even…

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Intriguing RuoppaköngÀs rapids hidden in plain sight


RuoppaköngĂ€s area consists of a small PahikkojĂ€rvi lake, rocks surrounding the lake, and a small Kulkujoki river with RuoppaköngĂ€s rapids, which are somewhat hidden in the forest. RuoppaköngĂ€s is located close to Muonio-Levi road in…

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