LappajÀrvi, the great crater lake

LappajÀrvi summer view

I had heard of LappajĂ€rvi, the great crater lake, from some friends many times. So, when I got the chance to visit that part of Southern Ostrobothnia, I jumped at the chance. LappajĂ€rvi is one…

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Finland’s medieval trading hub RikalanmĂ€ki hides its secrets

Finland's medieval trading hub RikalanmÀki hides its secrets

RikalanmĂ€ki was one of the most remarkable medieval trading hubs in Finland. The RikalanmĂ€ki ancient trail in Salo, Finland, invites visitors on a captivating journey through time. This short trail winds through the Rikala mansion…

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JokikylÀ nature path at EvijÀrvi showcases the history of log driving and swamps

JokikylÀn luontopolku Uittomiehen lenkki nature path

EvijĂ€rvi municipality has built a lovely 4km nature path at JokikylĂ€, which runs alongside a former log driving river called Tervareitti (Tar route). This easy nature path goes by two names: the JokikylĂ€ nature path…

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