Liessaari island at Lohja is a small but versatile recreation area

Liessaari Lohja

A day before my friend and I decided to visit Liessaari island at Lohja, it snowed again. It had already been beautifully warm but alas, as always in Finland, "fool's spring" or a cold spell…

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Exploring beautiful EerikkilÀ hiking trails in Tammela in winter

Exploring EerikkilÀ winter hiking trails in Tammela

Did you know that EerikkilĂ€ Sports & Outdoor Resort has a few beautiful winter hiking trails in Tammela? EerikkilĂ€ is located by RuostejĂ€rvi lake in Tammela, Tavastia Proper region in Finland. It's a peaceful area…

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Beautiful Norppapolku Saimaa Seal Trail in Puumala

Norppapolku trail in Puumala Finland

Norppapolku, Saimaa Seal Trail, in Puumala, Finland, is a hiking trail that consists of three separate loop routes, each of which can be hiked individually: Kitulan lenkki, Kaivannon kieppi, and Kotkatsaaren kierros. The entire length…

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JokikylÀ nature path at EvijÀrvi showcases the history of log driving and swamps

JokikylÀn luontopolku Uittomiehen lenkki nature path

EvijĂ€rvi municipality has built a lovely 4km nature path at JokikylĂ€, which runs alongside a former log driving river called Tervareitti (Tar route). This easy nature path goes by two names: the JokikylĂ€ nature path…

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At the footsteps of Viking king on thrilling Vaarniemi nature trail

Vaarniemi nature trail in Kaarina

Vaarniemi nature trail at the border of Turku and Kaarina in Finland is a beautiful hiking destination all year round. The area belongs to Natura 2000 nature protection network. Rocky hill, pine forest, and stunning…

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