Uunisaari island at the centre of Helsinki has a long recreational history

Uunisaari Helsinki pontoon bridge ponttoonisilta

Uunisaari is a small, 3 hectare island right off Kaivopuisto park at the very southernmost tip of Helsinki. In the summer, its long sandy beaches attract visitors by boat. In the winter, you can visit…

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Experience the culture-historical VanhankylÀnniemi hotspot at JÀrvenpÀÀ

VanhankylÀnniemi TuusulanjÀrvi lake AnnitÀdinkenttÀ

VanhankylĂ€nniemi is a culture-historically important site on the shore of TuusulanjĂ€rvi lake. It is one of the more popular recreation areas. We've been there several times during different seasons and it always manages to be…

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RuostejÀrvi lake is fun nature destination for kids

RuostejÀrvi Lake in Tammela

RuostejĂ€rvi Recreation Area is located in the municipality of Tammela by HĂ€rkĂ€tie Road and near main road 2. It consists of approximately 70 hectares including 3 kilometers of shoreline. It has a nice beach with…

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Korpudden – a hideaway with a view

Korpudden view

The steep cliffs overlooking lake LohjanjĂ€rvi and southern Finland, the lush hazel groves, and forbidding pine trees offer a fantastic place for exploration and adventure... and all handily next to the old ironworks hamlet and…

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Midsummer adventure at Marttila wilderness trails

Marttila wilderness trails

Marttila wilderness trails introduce nature in South Western Finland better than several national parks combined. I was particularly impressed by the great variety that the trails in Marttila have, big boulders called Juomakivi and Isokarhunkivi,…

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Linlo Island – The Hidden Gem

Linlo Kirkkonummi Finland

The Linlo island in Kirkkonummi, little more than 40 kilometres west of Helsinki, is a less known outdoor destination next to the popular recreation area of Porkkala. The island is perfect for day trips in…

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