The mystical gorge lakes of Toriseva are famous for their secrets

Virrat Toriseva

Toriseva comprises of three separate gorge lakes, which have formed in to a trench. Imposing cliffs surround these narrow and deep lakes, and you can enjoy them individually or together by taking the nature path…

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Explore the last Ice Age at the devil’s field of KasnĂ€s

KasnÀs muinaisranta pirunpelto. KasnÀs devil's field ancient shoreline.

While visiting KasnĂ€s on Kemiö island (Kemiönsaari in Finnish, Kimitoön in Swedish), one of the places I wanted to visit was this devil's field. It is actually a part of the ancient shoreline of the…

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Sorlampi nature trail in Nuuksio is the perfect hike

Sorlammen luontopolku Sorlampi nature trail Nuuksio

Sorlampi nature trail is a great introduction into Finnish forest landscapes. It has rocky outcroppings over waterways, lush forests, and even Ice Age glacial potholes called giant's kettles. Moreover, Sorlampi is at Nuuksio National Park,…

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Korkeusvuori observation tower and nature trail in Loimaa

Korkeusvuori observation tower

Korkeusvuori observation tower and Kettukallio lean-to shelter in Loimaa were our choice of nature destination in the beginning of January. Korkeusvuori could be directly translated as high altitude mountain, which is some exaggeration as this…

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Bay trail of eastern Helsinki

Meri-Rastilan lahtipolku. The bay trail of Meri-Rastila. VartiokylÀnlahti.

The Bay Trail (Lahtipolku in Finnish) is located in the suburbs of Puotila, VartiokylĂ€, Vuosaari, and Rastila in the eastern part of Helsinki, along the VartiokylĂ€nlahti bay. The trail runs past old manor houses, thick…

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Harjureitti in Southwestern Finland is known as Little Lapland

Harjureitti Little Lapland SÀkylÀ

Harjureitti is 28 kilometers long trail network in Loimaa, SĂ€kylĂ€, Huittinen and OripÀÀ municipalities in Southwestern Finland. It was established in 1998. Harjureitti, ridge trail, is a popular hiking and cross-country skiing trail on SĂ€kylĂ€nharju…

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Hanikka nature trail has ancient tombs, glacial erratics, and views by the sea

Hanikka duckboards

The extraordinary Hanikka nature trail runs by two narrows and one bay area in the southwestern corner of the capital area, more specifically in Soukka, Espoo. The varied trail prides itself with long, winding duckboards,…

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