Klassarinkierros is a quiet circular trail at Nuuksio national park

Klassarinkierros Nuuksio national park Vihti

Nuuksio National Park is still the most visited national park in Finland. It stretches across the municipalities of Espoo, Kirkkonummi, and Vihti. Klassarinkierros circle trail is located in the northwestern corner of the park at…

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One nature experience richer after barbecue at OnkimaanjÀrvi

OnkimaanjÀrvi lean-to shelter

Peaceful OnkimaanjĂ€rvi lake is located near highway 2, adjoining LiesjĂ€rvi National Park in the area of three municipalities; Tammela, Loppi, and Karkkila. Border of Tavastia and Uusimaa regions cuts right through the lake. The northern…

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Sorlampi nature trail in Nuuksio is the perfect hike

Sorlammen luontopolku Sorlampi nature trail Nuuksio

Sorlampi nature trail is a great introduction into Finnish forest landscapes. It has rocky outcroppings over waterways, lush forests, and even Ice Age glacial potholes called giant's kettles. Moreover, Sorlampi is at Nuuksio National Park,…

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The ultimate guide to HĂ€meen Ilvesreitti

HĂ€meen Ilvesreitti

HĂ€meen Ilvesreitti, HĂ€me Lynx Trail, is a 250 km long trail network that combines many wonderful outdoor areas and national parks such as Torronsuo and LiesjĂ€rvi National Parks in HĂ€me Lake Uplands region in Finland.…

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KivisammaljÀrvi on HÀmeen Ilvesreitti in Loppi

KivisammaljÀrvi on HÀmeen Ilvesreitti

KivisammaljĂ€rvi is a lake located along HĂ€meen Ilvesreitti trekking trail in Loppi municipality. The HĂ€meen Ilvesreitti, HĂ€me Lynx Trail, is about 250 kilometers long trail network in HĂ€me Lake Uplands in Southern Finland. KivisammaljĂ€rvi has…

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