The magnificent Paavolan tammi oak is the most beautiful tree in Finland

Paavolan tammi oak Lohja Lohjansaari

I have visited the stunningly beautiful Paavolan tammi oak several times, and every time it takes my breath away. Seeing this green giant in all its sun-covered glory transports you to another dimension... a dimension…

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Signs of spring at Punatulkku and Pohjantikka trails in LiesjÀrvi

Punatulkku and Pohjantikka trails at LiesjÀrvi National Park

Punatulkku and Pohjantikka trails in LiesjĂ€rvi National Park are located near Korteniemi Heritage Farm. Punatulkun polku, Punatulkku trail, is a 3,1 kilometers long circle trail that departs from parking area called Lehdos situated along Korteniementie…

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The Rapids Route at Karkkila weaves through a historic ironworks area

Karkkilan koskireitti rapids route Myllykoski

Karkkila is one of those towns in southern Finland where the connection of industrialisation and forces of nature meet. There are five rapids around Karkkila which were harnessed early for different purposes. While today, the…

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JokikylÀ nature path at EvijÀrvi showcases the history of log driving and swamps

JokikylÀn luontopolku Uittomiehen lenkki nature path

EvijĂ€rvi municipality has built a lovely 4km nature path at JokikylĂ€, which runs alongside a former log driving river called Tervareitti (Tar route). This easy nature path goes by two names: the JokikylĂ€ nature path…

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Imposing cliffs and roaring rapids at Palakoski challenges visitors

Palakoski Vihti virkistysalue recreation area Mummusali

On a sunny and crisp spring morning, we had the same idea as many others: let's go hiking. We ended up heading towards Vihti and the Palakoski recreation area. I knew it would be a…

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Klassarinkierros is a quiet circular trail at Nuuksio national park

Klassarinkierros Nuuksio national park Vihti

Nuuksio National Park is still the most visited national park in Finland. It stretches across the municipalities of Espoo, Kirkkonummi, and Vihti. Klassarinkierros circle trail is located in the northwestern corner of the park at…

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Explore the last Ice Age at the devil’s field of KasnĂ€s

KasnÀs muinaisranta pirunpelto. KasnÀs devil's field ancient shoreline.

While visiting KasnĂ€s on Kemiö island (Kemiönsaari in Finnish, Kimitoön in Swedish), one of the places I wanted to visit was this devil's field. It is actually a part of the ancient shoreline of the…

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