Lots to learn on the nature paths of Laajalahti Bay

Laajalahti Villa Elfvik duckboards pitkospuut Espoo

Laajalahti Bay is one of the best areas for bird-watching in the capital area. Several nature paths surround the bay, and at their centre is a specialised nature house, Villa Elfvik. This nature reserve is…

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Korkeusvuori observation tower and nature trail in Loimaa

Korkeusvuori observation tower

Korkeusvuori observation tower and Kettukallio lean-to shelter in Loimaa were our choice of nature destination in the beginning of January. Korkeusvuori could be directly translated as high altitude mountain, which is some exaggeration as this…

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Haapavuori nature trail and Uljua reservoir

Haapavuori Uljua Siikalatva

Haapavuori nature trail is a peaceful nature destination near highway 4 in Siikalatva in Northern Ostrobothnia. Haapavuori, literally translated as Aspen Mountain, is a small hill that overlooks Uljua reservoir. The nature trail is 8…

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Hevonlinna ice-age esker and recreation area in Koski Tl

Hevonlinna observation tower view

Hevonlinna is a peaceful little outdoor sports center in Koski Tl municipality in the Southwest Finland. It is located about 60 kilometers from Turku near route 10, which is going from Turku to HĂ€meenlinna. The…

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Ospreys and marshlands at Valkmusa National Park


All I knew about Valkmusa National Park before parking my car at the start of a circular route on a late autumn afternoon was that it was in southeastern Finland. That's it. By chance, I…

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Old and charming Kaukolanharju observation tower

View from Kaukolanharju observation tower in Saari Folk Park

Kaukolanharju observation tower at Saari Folk Park welcomes visitors during summer months, and for a small fee you will have access to beautiful views at HĂ€me Lake Uplands region. This summer over 2000 people visited…

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Haralanharju observation tower with 360° view


Haralanharju observation tower in Kangasala has amazing views to Finnish landscape in Pirkanmaa region. VesijĂ€rvi lake was gleaming in the sun as the temperatures hit 25 degrees Celcius on late August day. I could feel…

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