Liessaari island at Lohja is a small but versatile recreation area

Liessaari Lohja

A day before my friend and I decided to visit Liessaari island at Lohja, it snowed again. It had already been beautifully warm but alas, as always in Finland, "fool's spring" or a cold spell…

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PilvijÀrvi at Sipoo is popular all year around

PilvijÀrvi Söderkulla Sipoo

PilvijĂ€rvi and its nature trail is nestled in the serene landscapes of Sipoo, Finland. The scenic nature trail winds its way along the shores of PilvijĂ€rvi lake through lush pine forests and calm marshlands. Whether…

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LappajÀrvi, the great crater lake

LappajÀrvi summer view

I had heard of LappajĂ€rvi, the great crater lake, from some friends many times. So, when I got the chance to visit that part of Southern Ostrobothnia, I jumped at the chance. LappajĂ€rvi is one…

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The magnificent Paavolan tammi oak is the most beautiful tree in Finland

Paavolan tammi oak Lohja Lohjansaari

I have visited the stunningly beautiful Paavolan tammi oak several times, and every time it takes my breath away. Seeing this green giant in all its sun-covered glory transports you to another dimension... a dimension…

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The Rapids Route at Karkkila weaves through a historic ironworks area

Karkkilan koskireitti rapids route Myllykoski

Karkkila is one of those towns in southern Finland where the connection of industrialisation and forces of nature meet. There are five rapids around Karkkila which were harnessed early for different purposes. While today, the…

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