Haukkavuori nature path showcases the untamed diversity of heritage forests

Haukkavuori Kerava luontopolku nature trail Keravanjoki

The protected Haukkavuori area is a unique nature destination because it has been left almost entirely undisturbed. There you can see how energy in all its forms flows through the forest ecosystem. It means that…

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Lots to learn on the nature paths of Laajalahti Bay

Laajalahti Villa Elfvik duckboards pitkospuut Espoo

Laajalahti Bay is one of the best areas for bird-watching in the capital area. Several nature paths surround the bay, and at their centre is a specialised nature house, Villa Elfvik. This nature reserve is…

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Protected Martimoaapa mire reserve is bird watchers’ paradise

Martimoaapa in Simo

There are a variety of mire types at Martimoaapa, Lumiaapa and Penikat mire reserve to explore. This nature reserve offers nice duckboard trails with several wilderness huts, lean-to shelters, and birdwatching towers along the way.…

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Myllykoski rapids at NurmijÀrvi

Myllykoski in NurmijÀrvi

Myllykoski rapids and Koskikara nature trail in the NurmijĂ€rvi municipality are the perfect day trip destination near Finland's capital area especially if you are into birdwatching. The Myllykoski rapids in Vantaajoki river are impressive even…

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Midsummer adventure at Marttila wilderness trails

Marttila wilderness trails

Marttila wilderness trails introduce nature in South Western Finland better than several national parks combined. I was particularly impressed by the great variety that the trails in Marttila have, big boulders called Juomakivi and Isokarhunkivi,…

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Visit AneriojÀrvi for birds and Stone Age culture

AneriojÀrvi view

AneriojĂ€rvi is a small lake in SuomusjĂ€rvi in Salo municipality, only 1 kilometer south from Helsinki-Turku motorway. There is a wooden walkway leading to a birdwatching tower and a small river called Varesjoki. A short…

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Leafy-green Ekudden nature trail in Porvoo


In one of the most beautiful towns in Finland, Porvoo, you can also find the Ekudden (oak cape or peninsula) nature trail that showcases many of the various vistas Finland has to offer. The nature…

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