Riisitunturi National Park has the best trails for summer and winter

Riisitunturi National Park has been on my bucket list for years. Having seen incredible pictures of trees heavy with crown snow (tykkylumi in Finnish) from Riisitunturi, I also wanted to see if the rumours of…

Esakallio-Hovimäki trail in Somero is good for trail running

The Esakallio-Hovimäki trail is 8,3 km long well-marked trail through the Finnish forests and fields with two lean-to shelters along the way. It is not a circle trail, but it is suitable for trail running…

Myllykoski rapids at Nurmijärvi

Myllykoski rapids and Koskikara nature trail in the Nurmijärvi municipality are the perfect day trip destination near Finland's capital area especially if you are into birdwatching. The Myllykoski rapids in Vantaajoki river are impressive even…

Sipoonkorpi National Park – ancient forests near Helsinki

The Sipoonkorpi National Park in Helsinki, Vantaa and Sipoo municipalities is a protected forest area only about 25 kilometers from the centre of Helsinki. We visited the Sipoonkorpi on a cloudy and misty day in…

Ridges, ponds and bogs at Komio Nature Reserve

Komio Nature Reserve in Loppi municipality provides a very versatile nature and beautiful landscape for daytrips for hikers and skiers. Located in Häme Lake Uplands, Komio showcases the signs of ice age with its amazing…

Sami sacret site Taatsi seida is a magical place

Taatsi seida, or Taatsin seita in Finnish, by Taatsi lake is an ancient Sámi culture site where the local Sámi people brought offerings to the gods. It is located in Pokka village between Kittilä and…