Sorlampi nature trail in Nuuksio is the perfect hike

Sorlampi nature trail is a great introduction into Finnish forest landscapes. It has rocky outcroppings over waterways, lush forests, and even Ice Age glacial potholes called giant's kettles. Moreover, Sorlampi is at Nuuksio National Park,…

Heinäjoki nature trail in Pihtipudas

Heinäjoki nature trail is a fun nature destination with duckboards and few birdwatching towers near Pihtipudas town centre in northern Central Finland. Pihtipudas is located about 140 kilometers north of Jyväskylä along the highway 4…

Oittaa and Lake Bodom – a multiplex of fun for all

Oittaa recreation area is located in the city of Espoo, at the southern end of Lake Bodom. It can be considered as one of the more diverse recreation areas in the capital area because it…

Korkeusvuori observation tower and nature trail in Loimaa

Korkeusvuori observation tower and Kettukallio lean-to shelter in Loimaa were our choice of nature destination in the beginning of January. Korkeusvuori could be directly translated as high altitude mountain, which is some exaggeration as this…

Bay trail of eastern Helsinki

The Bay Trail (Lahtipolku in Finnish) is located in the suburbs of Puotila, Vartiokylä, Vuosaari, and Rastila in the eastern part of Helsinki, along the Vartiokylänlahti bay. The trail runs past old manor houses, thick…

First snow at Leivonmäki National Park in Finland

Leivonmäki National Park in Joutsa municipality is a lovely nature destination, which is easy to reach from highway 4. There are 28 kilometers of marked trails at Leivonmäki. The national park can be visited any…

The ultimate guide to Hämeen Ilvesreitti

Hämeen Ilvesreitti, Häme Lynx Trail, is a 250 km long trail network that combines many wonderful outdoor areas and national parks such as Torronsuo and Liesjärvi National Parks in Häme Lake Uplands region in Finland.…