Sorlampi nature trail in Nuuksio is the perfect hike

Sorlampi nature trail is a great introduction into Finnish forest landscapes. It has rocky outcroppings over waterways, lush forests, and even Ice Age glacial potholes called giant's kettles. Moreover, Sorlampi is at Nuuksio National Park,…

Nature in Finland

Nature in Finland consists of forests, lakes, sea, tundra, and bogs. Finland is the number one destination for a nature lover since it has the cleanest nature in the world and four amazing seasons that…

Rumavaara and devil’s field in Pudasjärvi

Rumavaara is a hill that overlooks Korentojärvi lake in Pudasjärvi municipality in the province of Oulu. Pudasjärvi is famous for its nature, and it is home to Syöte, the southernmost fell area in Finland. In…