Out in the Nature Quiz – Wild berries in Finland

Wild berries in Finland

Do you think you are able to identify wild berries in Finland? It might be harder than you think! Take our latest nature quiz to find out if you are the berry master that you think. Of all the distinct species of wild berries in Finland about twenty are edible. There are many wild berries that people love to forage in Finland from July onwards, and famous Finnish everyman’s rights allow anyone to do that. I personally like wild berries such as raspberries and bilberries better than their garden versions.

According to one study, 56 percent of Finns go to pick forest berries at least seven times each summer. Berry picking is not only a way to forage food for yourself, but also extra income for some, and a tradition that is passed on generations.

Foraging for some of the wild berries is not always easy. Cloudberries grow on bogs that are challenging to walk on, and raspberries grow in locations where forest has been cut down few years earlier. Often those locations have many branches that have been left behind, making raspberry bushes grow in an impossible labyrinth. You can see the delicious berries in the bushes only a few meters away from you, but you can’t access it because there might be a huge ditch, rocks, and branches on the way. Sun is shining, the temperature is +25 degrees, and mosquitos and gadflies are buzzing in the air… Once you get to those berries, they taste so sweet!

Test your knowledge on wild berries in Finland by taking our latest nature quiz below.

I hope you didn’t choke in the last one. I would love to hear how you did, so please leave a comment below!

More about berries of Finland


  1. Victor says:


    This is an excellent website on Finnish nature. Didn’t knew Finland is gifted with such an abundant rich source of wild berries etc.

    Can you recommend any Finnish company/companies that process, pack and ship organic wild berries powder?

    Victor Jnr

    1. Jenni says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Victor! There are many Finnish companies that are specialized in berry powders, for example Biokia (trademark owned by Kiantama), Extrx, Lapin Marja, and Kaskein Marja. We don’t know enough about this business to recommend any of them, but hopefully this information helps!

  2. Wiggle Falstrop says:

    Friends, google ‘gagberry’ and embrace the frustration.

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