Clear-water Lake Iso-Melkutin is hikers and divers’ treasure

Iso-Melkutin lake

Lake Iso-Melkutin is a popular scuba-diving destination in Southern Finland because of its clear water and underwater ridge. It’s also a beautiful hiking and trekking area where I like to go at least once every summer. The trail around the lake is about 7 kilometers long and easy to follow.

The Iso-Melkutin is located in RÀyskÀlÀ village in the municipality of Loppi. It has been created at the end of ice age and it reminds me of nearby Lake PÀÀjÀrvi, which is also located in the HÀme Lake Uplands. When the ice was melting at the end of the ice age, it created a river delta where massive ice blocks were buried by sand and gravel. Lake Iso-Melkutin is believed to be created by one of those ice blocks eventually melting. Lake VÀhÀ-Melkutin is like a little brother to Iso-Melkutin. This area, Melkuttimet lakes, is protected by Natura 2000 and two other programmes by the Finnish Ministry of Environment.

I have been picking blueberries and fishing at the Melkuttimet lakes and I would recommended it especially for families, because of the swimming and snorkeling opportunities. It is not so common for lakes in Southern Finland to have so clear water as these lakes have. If you sit by the lake, you might be able to see small fish or maybe frogs in it. For information about scuba-diving at the lake, get in touch with RiihimÀen Urheilusukeltajat.

Lake Iso-Melkutin

Somebody was calling for hiking buddies to Melkutin at one Facebook group for outdoor sisters, and I decided to go for a little day trip with few other ladies in May. We met at the parking lot and decided to walk around the lake anticlockwise, tackling the more uneven part of the trail with few little climbs first. There are snakes in this area, but we all decided to wear sneakers instead of hiking shoes as we knew we will be walking on the trail the whole time.

There are lots of pine trees, and the ridges opening to south are quite dry and therefore provide pretty harsh conditions for plants. It’s is quite unique growth environment and has some very rare plants and flowers such as beautiful blue Eastern pasqueflower. Little Tokholmannokka peninsula in the middle of the lake is a wonderful place to walk on or set a camp. We had a little break at the end of the peninsula, but decided to set fire and eat lunch at the second lean-to shelter. There are few other smaller peninsulas too.

Melkutin peninsula

Trail and lean-to shelters at the Iso-Melkutin

There are two lean-to shelters and dry toilet facilities by the trail around the lake, one on the east end of the lake and another one on the west (see map below). Camping is allowed everywhere, but it is recommended that you stay close to the lean-to shelters. The eastern lean-to shelter is close to a shallow beach and only about 900 meters from the parking lot. It has big logs for firewood that you have to saw and cut yourself, because some idiots kept steeling the smaller firewood from the shelter. Fire can only be made in designated fireplaces (lean-to shelters), and only when the forest fire warning is not on. You can check that beforehand at the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s website. Everyman’s rights apply and you are allowed to fish with a worm fishing rod. For lure fishing you will need to purchase a permit.

The trail around the lake is marked with blue marks on the trees, but you will be able to see the lake most of the time anyway. The trail is relatively easy but it has some intermediately challenging parts such as gradual climbs, small bridges and roots. The bridge over the little stream going from VĂ€hĂ€-Melkutin to Iso-Melkutin is a lovely sight. You can also hike around the smaller lake, but we didn’t go there, so I’m not sure about the condition of the trail.

For geocatchers: There are few geocaches in this area. Apparently one of them is a multi-cache that requires swimming, so I left those caches alone at this time of the year. It was a lovely day, but not warm enough for me to swim.

The second lean-to shelter in the western side of the lake is nicer than the first one. We had our lunch break here. This is probably the most popular place for camping around this lake, and already in May somebody had their hammocks set up nearby. The Melkuttimet lakes are pretty popular outdoor destination from spring to autumn, and it would be pretty rare if you didn’t see anyone else when walking here.

There are also lynx markings of Ilvesreitti (Lynx Trail) near Iso-Melkutin. They mean that you are able to do some long distance trekking also from this area. The trails can be accessed from Tauluntie parking lot, which is about 900 meters from the lake, on the east of it.

Map of Melkuttimet
The Iso-Melkutin lake with lean-to shelters marked on the map.


Tauluntie parking lot
Tauluntie 146
12820 Loppi

How to get there:

Car: Melkuttimet area is located in Loppi and Tammela municipalities. The small parking lot can be found in the address Tauluntie 146, Loppi. It is in the western corner of RÀyskÀlÀ airfield. Arriving from main road 2 (Helsinki-Pori) you first turn to HÀmeen HÀrkÀtie and after 18 kilometers to Tauluntie towards RÀyskÀlÀ. The parking lot is about 3,7 kilometers from the HÀrkÀtie intersection along Tauluntie. Arriving from road 54 in the north east you should first turn to Rautakoskentie towards RÀyskÀlÀ, turn to RÀyskÀlÀntie still towards RÀyskÀlÀ, and then after the local grocery store and just before the airfield turn to Tauluntie. The parking lot is 1,4 kilometers from RÀyskÀlÀntie intersection.
Public transport: Buses travel along road 54 daily, but the closest bus stop (Vojakkala, Loppi) is over 8 kilometers away. Tickets and information: Matkahuolto.
Bicycle:  The HĂ€me HĂ€rkĂ€tie Road cycling route is not far from Iso-Melkutin as it’s going along the HĂ€rkĂ€tie Road in approximately 4 kilometers away. For more information about cycling the HĂ€rkĂ€tie Road, I recommend a map called Fillariopas HĂ€rkĂ€tietĂ€ itÀÀn (Cycling guide East along HĂ€rkĂ€tie Road). That map includes information in Finnish, English and German for cycling between the cities Turku, HĂ€meenlinna, Lahti, and Kouvola. It’s available in various online stores.

When to visit: Melkuttimet lakes are attracting visitors especially during the summer months, from June to August.

Accessibility: There are no services for the disabled in the area, but the area is suitable for families with children. The eastern lean-to shelter is easilly accessible from the parking lot.

Also visit in the area

The Iso-Melkutin is absolutely worth the 1,5 hours drive from Helsinki, and this area is packed with many beautiful sites to visit.

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