Come explore new Peukaloinen trail in LiesjÀrvi National Park with us

Peukaloinen trail in LiesjÀrvi National Park

Peukaloinen trail, Peukaloisen polku, is a 4 kilometers long circle trail in LiesjĂ€rvi National Park. The trail departs from Peukalonlamminkangas parking area and leads you to Peukalonlammi lean-to shelter, Kaksvetinen barbecue hut, Tittilammi cooking shelter,…

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Hyypiö trail shows the best of LiesjÀrvi National Park

Hyypiö trail in LiesjÀrvi National Park

Hyypiö trail is 2,8 kilometers long and versatile trail in LiesjĂ€rvi National Park. It introduces different habitats within the national park from beaches and lakes to rocky hills, ancient spruce forests, and heaths covered with…

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JokikylÀ nature path at EvijÀrvi showcases the history of log driving and swamps

JokikylÀn luontopolku Uittomiehen lenkki nature path

EvijĂ€rvi municipality has built a lovely 4km nature path at JokikylĂ€, which runs alongside a former log driving river called Tervareitti (Tar route). This easy nature path goes by two names: the JokikylĂ€ nature path…

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Klassarinkierros is a quiet circular trail at Nuuksio national park

Klassarinkierros Nuuksio national park Vihti

Nuuksio National Park is still the most visited national park in Finland. It stretches across the municipalities of Espoo, Kirkkonummi, and Vihti. Klassarinkierros circle trail is located in the northwestern corner of the park at…

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