What better way to spend a misty autumn day than walking through the forest at Suurijärvi lake? Through the web we found a circle walk around lake Suurjärvi which would be 7 km in total. The path is starting at Tervastupa (Pihlajaniementie 705). We did not start from there though but from a parking lot that is about 0,8 km away from the Tupa. There are a few different paths one can choose from and in the wintertime, there is the possibility to cross-country ski as well, as one of the ski resorts is close by.

From the parking lot we followed the red marks up and alongside the road in the beginning. It was a very easy path for about 2 km through somewhat moist territory. After the 2 km we came to a crossing, where we chose to turn to Aholahti and Kuikankolo. From here the marks we followed were blue ones. Once we reached the Suurijärvi lake, the territory started to be more demanding but really stunning.

The path was at times very rocky with very steep ups and downs but the scenery was really beautiful. Most of the time we were walking right next to the lake. Along the path we climbed stairs and passed Kollaan laavu where one could spend the night and grill right by the lake. After some time, we reached another crossing, where we turned to Aholahti.

The path continued quite rocky and steep. It was just so beautiful, even though the weather was misty and dull. The forest and lake just made it so worth it. At times we walked really close to the lake on very rocky and a bit slippery ground and it was not that easy and demanded us to go slow.

The demanding part of the path continued until the top end of the lake. At this point we crossed on some duckboards and reached the beginning of the other side of the lake. After this crossing we again needed to follow the red marks.

From this point on the path changed entirely. Now it was more a forest way that I guess is frequently used by forest machines. It started to be a wider and grassier and again moist.
This part of the path was also greener, with a lot of moss and pine trees. Now it was again really easy to follow the trail. We came along some crossings that would have led to the ski resort and then back to the Tervastupa.

Following this path, we came to a street crossing. Basically, the trail to the Tervastupa would have continued straight onwards, but as we had parked our car at the end of the road of the crossing and it was already starting to get dark, we chose to follow the road instead. This way our walk was 5,5 km instead of the originally planned 7km.

Directions to Suurijärvi lake in Savonlinna
Pihlajaniementie 705
57600 Savonlinna
Suurijärvi nature trail at Pihlajaniemi recreation area is part of 13 km long hiking trail Laavujen kierros around Suurijärvi, Kuikkalampi, and Mustalampi lakes. Kuikankolo and Mustalampi lean-to shelters are suitable for overnight stay. Tervastupa serves as a cross-country skiing cafe in winter and it is also available for rent. More information about Tervastupa in Finnish here.
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