National parks in Finland

National parks in Finland are attracting millions of visitors every year. There are 41 national parks in Finland, all of them distinct from one another. Which are the most visited national parks in Finland? What…

Jokikylä nature path at Evijärvi showcases the history of log driving and swamps

Evijärvi municipality has built a lovely 4km nature path at Jokikylä, which runs alongside a former log driving river called Tervareitti (Tar route). This easy nature path goes by two names: the Jokikylä nature path…

Walking around spectacular Littoistenjärvi in Turku

Littoistenjärvi is a spectacular little lake near Turku, Finland. There are lovely nature trails, public saunas, many species of birds, and birdwatching towers to see and visit in the area. Littoistenjärvi is a small and…

Kivisammaljärvi on Hämeen Ilvesreitti in Loppi

Kivisammaljärvi is a lake located along Hämeen Ilvesreitti trekking trail in Loppi municipality. The Hämeen Ilvesreitti, Häme Lynx Trail, is about 250 kilometers long trail network in Häme Lake Uplands in Southern Finland. Kivisammaljärvi has…