Out in the Nature Quiz – Which Finnish national park suits you best?

Nature Quiz

Thinking of visiting Finland but there are too many nature destinations to choose from? Or already familiar with many Finnish national parks, but wondering where to go next? Take our nature quiz to find out which national park suits you best!

There are 41 national parks in Finland, all of them distinct from one another. The oldest and biggest national parks in Finland are in Lapland, in the northernmost region of Finland. They provide vast areas for hiking and skiing, and maybe even spotting northern lights on the way. Eastern Finland also has vast wilderness areas and pristine national parks with breathtaking views. Western and southern parts of the country including the capital region are not all about urban centres either. These regions feature many national parks that attract hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. There are national parks also on the sea and in archipelago. How do you know which Finnish national park is the most suitable for you?

Are you a thrill seeker climbing on the highest hills or would you rather relax on a boat, observing marine wildlife? Do you prefer day trips or long treks? Our quick nature quiz helps you to determine which national park suits you best. Take the quiz now and see where you should head for your next trip!

Check out also National Parks website by MetsÀhallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland, for more detailed information on each national park.

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