Sights on the map

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Welcome to our map of Finland

Welcome to our map of Finland, showcasing amazing nature destinations throughout the country. These are the places we have visited with memorable stories to share. The reason why we established this site, was to share less-known nature destinations and provide information about sustainable nature travel in Finland.

With hundreds of nature destinations to explore, there is no shortage of breathtaking places to discover in Finland, from the rugged wilderness of Lapland to the serene beauty of the Finnish archipelago. Whether you’re an outdoor enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply looking to explore the beauty of Finland, this map will guide you when you need to plan your next adventure.

For locals who are worried about people venturing out to their beloved nature destination based on our map, we would like to say that we understand those worries, because we are also those locals, living next to popular and sometimes even crowded nature destinations. Our aim is to educate people about everyman’s rights and responsibilities, tell everyone in English what they can and cannot do in each destination. We hope that this leads to all visitors respecting the nature more.

Are we missing something? Contact us and suggest a destination that you think is worth sharing!

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